1、,民谣音乐篝火野炊烟火市集咖啡轰趴露天影院极限飞盘,活动总述,Planning import.,目录,CONTENTS,活动亮点,overview of the activity.,预热宣传,Atmosphere to decorate.,氛围布置,activity programming.,伍,活动内容,overview of the activity.,CAMPING STRATEGY,01,活动总述,ONE PORRIDGE, ONE MEAL,活动主题:让美好生活触手可及2022反卷青年露营市集活动时间:周末/小假期参与对象:业主、意向客户、潜在报名客户、定向邀约客户活动调性:户外、自
2、由、浪漫、社交、治愈、亲子、狂欢,Most of the food is a fission that is caused by the collision of different ingredients. If you look at the encounters of the ingredients in the world.,01,02,针对疫情复苏期,推出治愈式系列活动,驱散疫情对市民带来的负面情绪,树立品牌形象, 促进项目销售。,03,走进大自然,呼吸新鲜空气,感受大自然之美,让参与来宾能够放松心情,为假日美好生活添彩,活动目的,紧跟市场风向,策划安排精致露营系列活动,聚焦市民眼球
3、。,活动现场共规划有露营区、 篝火野炊区、烟火市集区、民谣音乐区、露天电影区、咖啡轰趴区 互动游乐区七大区块铺排了时下精致露营中最受消费者喜爱的活动内容让所有参与来宾都可尽情享受落日下的慵懒,感受最惬意自在的度假时光,CAMPING STRATEGY,区域规划,CAMPING STRATEGY,02,活动亮点,ONE PORRIDGE, ONE MEAL,好友闲坐,灯火可亲当浪漫的旋律响起天籁歌声将音乐里的深情娓娓道来细腻的歌声也如微风拂过大地,CAMPING STRATEGY,民谣音乐,CAMPING STRATEGY,篝火野炊,打包的披萨,现煎的牛扒,虎皮蛋糕火锅、牛肉罗宋汤.让人们对露营
4、上瘾的,除了野外的大自然最不能缺少的,一定是露营的美食篝火野炊的快感,CAMPING STRATEGY,烟火市集,在市集里有最丰富的露营装备,文创好物,阅读书籍,美食饮品.带着人们走进不同文化的生活方式寻找与放入温情,CAMPING STRATEGY,咖啡轰趴,生活工作于喧闹城市,愿寻片刻自我宁静自然城市露营咖啡厅,在品鉴、制作咖啡的过程中尽享feel leisurely,CAMPING STRATEGY,露天影院,以天为幕,以地为席一束月光,一帧帧如明信片般的风景,在幕布上划过每一个情节都吸引着眼球带着朋友,陪着家人们看电影,唠家常,这便是最美好的时光,CAMPING STRATEGY,极限
5、飞盘,随着精致露营的热潮来袭飞盘运动也火速出圈没有复杂的规则 无需过重的装备在社交式露营中备受追捧感受一把热汗+交友的快乐,CAMPING STRATEGY,03,预热宣传,ONE PORRIDGE, ONE MEAL,Most of the food is a fission that is caused by the collision of different ingredients. If you look at the encounters of the ingredients in the world.,活动前期线上推出帐篷里的露营指南互动h5,通过左右滑动页面,可切换不同露营场景
6、,带领网民们感受24h沉浸式云露营体验从清晨到日落、再到漫天星光,不同时段环境不同,露营氛围拿捏到位。点击露营人物并选择最向往的露营地,精心挑选一套穿搭,开启浪漫的露营之旅,生成海报并进行分享还有机会赢得千元露营尖货!,CAMPING STRATEGY,帐篷里的露营指南,CAMPING STRATEGY,04,活动布置,ONE PORRIDGE, ONE MEAL,Most of the food is a fission that is caused by the collision of different ingredients. If you look at the encounter
7、s of the ingredients in the world.,利用星空,帐篷,电影等元素打造大型露营主题门头,营造满满活动昭示性。,CAMPING STRATEGY,露营节门头,(图为示意),Most of the food is a fission that is caused by the collision of different ingredients. If you look at the encounters of the ingredients in the world.,布置合影推头,增加氛围性,结合绿植,花艺,项目主题字与帐篷、电影放映机等元素。(图为示意),CAM
8、PING STRATEGY,氛围堆头,Most of the food is a fission that is caused by the collision of different ingredients. If you look at the encounters of the ingredients in the world.,规划设置好露营专区,来宾可自带帐篷在此开启露营节。(也可现场租赁,领包入住),Most of the food is a fission that is caused by the collision of different ingredients. If
9、you look at the encounters of the ingredients in the world.,设置电影放映幕及观影专区。,Most of the food is a fission that is caused by the collision of different ingredients. If you look at the encounters of the ingredients in the world.,搭建简易舞台区,可利用木作,帐篷,灯带等进行氛围营造。,Most of the food is a fission that is caused by
10、 the collision of different ingredients. If you look at the encounters of the ingredients in the world.,规划烟火市集区,设置白色尖顶帐篷。,Most of the food is a fission that is caused by the collision of different ingredients. If you look at the encounters of the ingredients in the world.,布置木质桌椅,提供火炉,供来宾篝火野炊。,Most o
11、f the food is a fission that is caused by the collision of different ingredients. If you look at the encounters of the ingredients in the world.,咖啡区设置移动餐车,进行咖啡售卖、体验活动。,CAMPING STRATEGY,05,活动内容,ONE PORRIDGE, ONE MEAL,露营区,Most of the food is a fission that is caused by the collision of different ingre
12、dients. If you look at the encounters of the ingredients in the world.,来宾至签到处登记个人信息并使用彩色马克笔完成签到。,Most of the food is a fission that is caused by the collision of different ingredients. If you look at the encounters of the ingredients in the world.,露营区,来宾可自带帐篷搭建在此开启露营节。也可现场租赁,领包入住。,Most of the food i
13、s a fission that is caused by the collision of different ingredients. If you look at the encounters of the ingredients in the world.,带着吉普赛人的豪放,当低调而浪漫的波西米亚帐篷遍布满地,这里便成了夜观星空的最佳场地这就是我们的露营专区,Most of the food is a fission that is caused by the collision of different ingredients. If you look at the encount
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